Wednesday 29 June 2011


TUESDAY-7.6.2011-Everybody loves Allahyarham Tan Sri P Ramlee's movie right? Same goes to me.Today,we were given a task to acting based on P Ramlee's movie. We were divided into 5 group and  my group members is Nur, Sem, Linda, Fiza and Faiq. After discuss,we were agree to choose "Labu dan Labi" as a movie.So Faiq as a Haji Bakhil, Linda as a Cikgu Munisah, me and Sem as a Labu and Labi, Fiza as Manisah and Nur as a narrator. We are given few minutes to makes a story based on our creativity. Then Faiq as a leader go to take a turn and our group gots No.5. During the performance,we maked other people laugh.Lastly we were recognized as a best group. We were so happy. This activity can improve our speaking.

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