Monday 25 July 2011


FRIDAY-15.7.2011-Today we need to act based on combination from classic movie and modern movie. So our group that are Nur, Sem, Fieza , Linda and me were choose Bawang Putih Bawang Merah and Enchanted.We were acting outside the class.the character is Linda as Bawang Merah, Fieza as Bawang Putih,
Sem as Bawang Putih's mother, Nur as The Witches  and me as Prince Charming. The acting started with Linda was abused bye Fieza to do many works. Then the mother comes because she heard something noisy. Then she chase Linda becase fieza was complain about Linda. Then Linda walks to jungle and sing a song.When she singing, a prince charming was comes and was fallen in love with her.Then comes the witch to take Linda to seperate them and the prince was cursed being a duck. Then the witch brings Linda to her hometown and want to kill her because Linda was the most beautiful in the world. When she try to kill, the prince comes and try to save Linda..Fighting was occur and the witch was die. Then the prince  purpose Linda and she accept the purpose. The mother and Bawang Putih was realize.


Present tense verbs in English should agree with the subject of the sentence.
Singular subjects use singular verbs.
Jack robs liquor stores (s on the verb)
Plural subjects use plural verbs 
Bonnie and Clyde rob banks (no s on the verb) 
Most native speaker do this instinctively 
More complex problems require you to learn a few rules.
Ignore words that come between the subject and the verb

Compound Subjects using “And”
Most compound subjects joined by “and” are plural.
If the words joined by “and” refer to a single thing, the subject is also singular.

Compound Subjects using “Or”
When the subject is joined with “or” or “nor” the verb agrees with the words closest to the verb  
Example: Neither the instructor nor the students has / have any control over the number of 8 o’clock classes.

Indefinite Pronouns
Indefinite pronouns are singular 
Examples: every, everyone, everybody, each, neither, either, none, one, no one.

Collective Nouns 
Words such as jury, committee, or herd will be singular when everyone in the group is acting together.
Collective nouns will be plural when the members of the group are not acting together.


TUESDAY-12.7.2011- Contextual References 
are words which substitute for other words (to avoid using the same word over and over).They refer back towords that have been used. Also they may refer forward to ideas that will be stated. Contextual referrence is being able to recognize and identify contextual references and will help you understand the passage you are reading.You must pay attention to reference words when they occur in the text you are reading.You can find the meaning of references by searching the text and using your common sense and knowledge of the text.


THURSDAY-8.7.2011-The main idea of a passage is the thought that is present from the beginning to the end. In finding the main idea, ask yourself these what idea is common to most of the text?, what is the idea that relates the parts to the whole?, what opinion do all the parts support?  

Paragraphs usually have 2 types of sentences that aree a topic sentence, which contains the main idea, and one or more detail sentences which support, prove, provide more information, explain, or give examples. Today in our class we were given a paper and watch some video such as ogy and the cockroach,hari raya advertisement, family potret by Pink.Then after we finished watching this video, we were supposed discuss in our group what the main idea in the video and write on the paper given. Then we write on the whiteboard to compare with others. The best main idea will be given the highest mark.


THURSDAY-7.7.2011-Verb are word that expresses what someone or something does, what they are or what happens to them. Often defined as a word which shows action or state of being.
The verb is the heart of a sentence - every sentence must have a verb. žOne of the most important things about verbs is their relationship to time. Verb can be classified into two that is regular and irregular verb. Transitive required an object in sentences and the object comes after verbs. Intransitive does not require an object. Non action verb does not express any action.

The Verb

Recognize a verb when you see one.

Verbs are a necessary component of all sentences. Verbs have two important functions: Some verbs put static objects into motion while other verbs help to clarify the objects in meaningful ways. Look at the examples below:
My grumpy old English teacher smiled at the plate of cold meatloaf.
My grumpy old English teacher = static object; smiled = verb.
The daredevil cockroach splashed into Sara's soup.
The daredevil cockroach = static object; splashed = verb.
Theo's overworked computer exploded in a spray of sparks.
Theo's overworked computer = static object; exploded = verb.
The curious toddler popped a grasshopper into her mouth.
The curious toddler = static object; popped = verb.
Francisco's comic book collection is worth $20,000.00.
Francisco's comic book collection = static object; is = verb.
The important thing to remember is that every subject in a sentence must have a verb. Otherwise, you will have written a fragment, a major writing error.

Remember to consider word function when you are looking for a verb.

Many words in English have more than one function. Sometimes a word is a subject, sometimes a verb, sometimes a modifier. As a result, you must often analyze the job a word is doing in the sentence. Look at these two examples:
Potato chips crunch too loudly to eat during an exam.
The crunch of the potato chips drew the angry glance of Professor Orsini to our corner of the room.
Crunch is something that we can do. We can crunch cockroaches under our shoes. We can crunch popcorn during a movie. We can crunch numbers for a math class. In the first sentence, then, crunch is what the potato chips do, so we can call it a verb.
Even though crunch is often a verb, it can also be a noun. The crunch of the potato chips, for example, is a thing, a sound that we can hear. You therefore need to analyze the function that a word provides in a sentence before you determine what grammatical name to give that word.

Know an action verb when you see one.

Dance! Sing! Paint! Giggle! Chew! What are these words doing? They are expressing action, something that a person, animal, force of nature, or thing can do. As a result, words like these are called action verbs. Look at the examples below:
Clyde sneezes with the force of a tornado.
Sneezing is something that Clyde can do.
Because of the spoiled mayonnaise, Ricky vomited potato salad all day.
Vomiting is something that Ricky can do—although he might not enjoy it.
Sylvia always winks at cute guys driving hot cars.
Winking is something that Sylvia can do.
The telephone rang with shrill, annoying cries.
Ringing is something that the telephone can do.
Thunder boomed in the distance, sending my poor dog scrambling under the bed.
Booming is something that thunder can do.
If you are unsure whether a sentence contains an action verb or not, look at every word in the sentence and ask yourself, "Is this something that a person or thing can do?" Take this sentence, for example:
During the summer, my poodle constantly pants and drools.
Can you during? Is during something you can do? Can you the? Is there someone theing outside the window right now? Can you summer? Do your obnoxious neighbors keep you up until 2 a.m. because they are summering? Can you my? What does a person do when she's mying? Can you poodle? Show me what poodling is. Can you pant? Bingo! Sure you can! Run five miles and you'll be panting. Can you and? Of course not! But can you drool? You bet—although we don't need a demonstration of this ability. In the sentence above, therefore, there are two action verbs: pant and drool.

Know a linking verb when you see one.

Linking verbs, on the other hand, do not express action. Instead, they connect the subject of a verb to additional information about the subject. Look at the examples below:
Mario is a computer hacker.
Ising isn't something that Mario can do. Is connects the subject, Mario, to additional information about him, that he will soon have the FBI on his trail.
During bad storms, trailer parks are often magnets for tornadoes.
Areing isn't something that trailer parks can do. Are is simply connecting the subject, trailer parks, to something said about them, that they tend to attract tornadoes.
After receiving another failing grade in algebra, Jose became depressed.
Became connects the subject, Jose, to something said about him, that he wasn't happy.
A three-mile run seems like a marathon during a hot, humid July afternoon.
Seems connects the subject, a three-mile run, with additional information, that it's more arduous depending on the day and time.
At restaurants, Rami always feels angry after waiting an hour for a poor meal.
Feels connects the subject, Rami, to his state of being, anger.
The following verbs are true linking verbs: any form of the verb be [am, were, has been, are being, might have been, etc.], become, and seem. These true linking verbs are always linking verbs.
Then you have a list of verbs with multiple personalities: appear, feel, grow, look, prove, remain, smell, sound, taste, and turn. Sometimes these verbs are linking verbs; sometimes they are action verbs. Their function in a sentence decides what you should call them.
How do you tell when they are action verbs and when they are linking verbs? If you can substitute am, is, or are for the verb and the sentence still sounds logical, you have a linking verb on your hands. If, after the substitution, the sentence makes no sense, you are dealing with an action verb. Here are some examples:
Chris tasted the crunchy, honey-roasted grasshopper.
Chris is the grasshopper? I don't think so! In this sentence then, tasted is an action verb.
The crunchy, honey-roasted grasshopper tasted good.
The grasshopper is good? You bet. Roast your own!
I smell the delicious aroma of the grilled octopus.
I am the delicious aroma? Not the last time I checked. Smell, in this sentence, is an action verb.
The aroma of the grilled octopus smells appetizing.
The aroma is appetizing? Definitely! Come take a whiff!
The students looked at the equation until their brains hurt.
The students are the equation? Of course not! Here, looked is an action verb.
The equation looked hopelessly confusing.
The equation is confusing? Without a doubt! You try it.
This substitution will not work for appear. With appear, you have to analyze the function of the verb.
Godzilla appeared in the doorway, spooking me badly.
Appear is something Godzilla can do—whether you want him to or not.
Godzilla appeared happy to see me.
Here, appeared is connecting the subject, Godzilla, to his state of mind, happiness.

Realize that a verb can have more than one part.

You must remember that verbs can have more than one part. In fact, a verb can have as many as four parts. A multi-part verb has a base or main part as well as additional helping or auxiliary verbs with it. Check out the examples below:
Harvey spilled chocolate milkshake on Leslie's new dress.
Because Harvey is a klutz, he is always spilling something.
Harvey might have spilled the chocolate milkshake because the short dress distracted him.
Harvey should have been spilling the chocolate milkshake down his throat.


TUESDAY-5.7.2011-For this class my group that is Sam, Nur, Lela and me were supposed to disscuss about the body paragraph. Our group present the type of hook that is personal examples. Our topic is homosexual. When we were present, Miss Zu was not satiesfied with our presentation because we were do something that is wrong from what she teach. So she ask us to  present later. Some other group present well. So we were so sad.


FRIDAY-1.7.2011-Today we are learn body paragraph. In this topic,we are going to learn how to identify the topic of a text, how to identify topic sentences and how to identify supporting details. Every paragraph should have a topic sentence. This is the most important sentence because it expresses the main idea of the paragraph.
There are several things you need to remember when writing topic sentences.The first is that topic sentences are always complete sentences.A topic sentence contains the topic of the paragraph and a controlling idea. The controlling idea limits the topic to something very specific and make sure that your topic sentence does not contain too many controlling ideas.

Every paragraph has sentences that relate to the ideas in the topic sentence. These sentences are called supporting sentences.


FRIDAY-30.6.2011-Today we are learn a topic sentences. Topic sentences can be identify as a topic (the general idea or subject). It can be stated in a sentence or just a few words. A main idea (the controlling point the author is making about the topic). It is often stated in a topic sentence. Supporting details are specific ideas to develop, explain, or support the main idea. A topic sentence is a single sentence that states the author’s main idea.Topic sentences can come at the beginning of a paragraph, within the paragraph, at the end of a paragraph, at the beginning and at the end of a paragraph.